Monday, February 9, 2009

Week of February 9th to 13th

PA Cultures

Monday - video "Stories of the Mines"

Tuesday - video "Stories of the Mines"

Wednesday - Quiz on video; notes and discussion on uses of coal

Thursday - Notes and discussion on labor unions

Friday - worksheet on the Molly Maguires

World Cultures

Monday - Chapter 6 section 3 to 5 questions

Tuesday - Notes and discussion on Roman emperors

Wednesday - worksheet packt on Roman Empire

Thursday - Notes and discussion on life and problems in the empire

Friday - Video - "Roman Emperors"

AP US History

Monday - Work on chapter 16 study guide

Tuesday - Chapter 16 presentation; work on study guide

Wednesday - Chapter 16 study guide due

Thursday - review for quiz on chapters 15 and 16

Friday - Quiz on Chapters 15 and 16