Thursday, November 2, 2017

Week of November 6th to 10th

PA Cultures

Monday - Work on research project

Tuesday - Work on research project

Wednesday - Work on research project

Thursday - Work on research project

Friday - Start presentations on Native American project

World History

Monday - Notes and discussion on Egypt's Old Kingdom

Tuesday - Finish notes and discussion on Egypt's Old Kingdom

Wednesday - Worksheet packet "People of the Nile"; review vocab

Thursday - Terms quiz on Ancient Egypt; virtual tour of Great Pyramid

Friday - Video "Mysteries of Egypt"

AP US History

Monday - Chapter 10 notes due; start notes and discussion on Chapter 10

Tuesday - Finish notes and discussion on Chapter 10; Constitution worksheet due

Wednesday - Review for quiz on Chapters 9 and 10

Thursday - Quiz on Chapters 9 and 10

Friday - Chapter 11 Identifications packet